Browsing "Infectious Diseases(감염내과)" by Title

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Clinical and Epidemiological Factors Associated with Methicillin Resistance in Community-Onset Invasive Staphylococcus aureus Infections: Prospective Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study in Korea김계형; Eu Suk Kim; Hong Bin Kim; Gayeon Kim; Kye-Hyung Kim; Kyung-Hwa Park; Shinwon Lee; Young Hwa Choi; Jongyoun Yi; Chung Jong Kim; Kyoung-Ho Song; Pyoeng Gyun Choe; Nam-Joong Kim; Yeong-Seon Lee; Myoung-don Oh; the Korea INfectious Diseases (KIND) study group
2015Prospective Cohort Study on the Effectiveness of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccines in Preventing Pneumonia Development and Hospitalization이선희; Joon Young Song; Jin Soo Lee; Seong-Heon Wi; Hyo Youl Kim; Jacob Lee; Yu Bin Seo; Hye Won Jeong; Shin Woo Kim; Sun Hee Lee; Kyung-Hwa Park; Ji Yun Noh; j Won Suk Cho; Hee Jin Cheong; Woo Joo Kim
2014The burden of nosocomial staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection in South Korea: a prospective hospital-based nationwide study김계형; Chung-Jong Kim; Hong-Bin Kim; Myoung-don Oh; Yunhee Kim; Arim Kim; Sung-Hee Oh; Kyoung-Ho Song; Eu Suk Kim; Yong Kyun Cho; Young Hwa Choi; Jinyong Park; Baek-Nam Kim; Nam-Joong Kim; Kye-Hyung Kim; Eun Jung Lee; Jae-Bum Jun; Young Keun Kim; Sung min Kiem; Hee Jung Choi; Eun Ju Choo; Kyung-mok Sohn; Shinwon Lee; Hyun Ha Chang; Ji Hwan Bang; Su Jin Lee; Jae Hoon Lee; Seong Yeon Park; Min Hyok Jeon; Na Ra Yun; The KIND Study group (Korea Infectious Diseases Study group)